UPE for the Future of NYC

This blog has sought to apply the lens of urban political ecology to the intense network of socionatural metabolisms that render New York into the complex, unique and endlessly fascinating city that it is today. As we reflect on the topics discussed – whether relating to stormwater, urban canopies, asbestos, air pollution, or coronavirus –…

The Tiger Who Came To Test – Hiding Coronavirus Truths?

Some readers will recall – early in the coronavirus pandemic that has swept the world in 2020 – reports of a tiger at the Bronx Zoo testing positive for COVID-19. While both an unsettling and entertaining piece of reporting, it perhaps served to obscure the very human tragedy that would befall the New York metropolitan area in…

Coronavirus and Sewage – Reinforcing Health Inequalities?

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed an unlikely spotlight on the New York City sewer system as offering a potential method for tracking and even predicting local outbreaks. Coronavirus RNA is present in the faecal matter of infected persons and can be detected through daily sampling of sewage sludge at wastewater treatment centres, and the concentration…

Majora Carter, Air Pollution and Children in the South Bronx

Last week’s story of WATERWASH is part of a much broader and long-running narrative of environmental injustice in the South Bronx which involves – perhaps unsurprisingly – not only the pollution of water but also of air, and while the urban political ecology of New York City does not entirely revolve around the Bronx, it is an…

An Artist’s Solution to New York City’s Stormwater Governance Problems?

Having applied the City Blueprint Approach – a comprehensive set of indicators for the evaluation of urban water governance and management capacities – to various cities across the US, Feingold et al. (2017) tell us that if these cities are to adapt and survive the inevitable water-related challenges of climate change, improvements to ‘stormwater separation,…

New York, Hybrid City

Anyone who has visited New York City will undoubtedly experience it as a uniquely weird and wonderful assault on the senses, with its stark juxtapositions of lush parkland with densely-packed skyscrapers, the obscenely rich with the inescapably poor, a multitude of cultures and livelihoods that co-exist under various tensions which enliven the city that never…